Hello babes!I've been working on some printables lately,and decided everyone needed some cute calendars.So every month I will make FREE calendars for every girl and woman that visits my blog!It's such a honor to give you something you all like. :) Hope you enjoy my three september calendar printables !
1.This one is cute af and simple! I decided to a add a 'to-do' section in the right side since it looked so empty and now I'm so happy with it.I mean,it comes in really handy in my opinion x
2.This floral one is simple,too.It was really fun to make and I'm really happy with the final result^_^ I'm sorry if you don't like it though.
3.This pastel one.It seems childish,I know,but I thought it may suit someone's style so why not.I personally like it a lot,but I'm aware some of you won't enjoy it. :(
~Hope you enjoyed it loves.Make sure to comment below suggestions about the look of October calendar next month (calendars may or may be NOT halloween themed --not all of them tho--) and follow me on my social media; they're all in the right sidebar.All the love x
About me

I'm a 16 year-old girl with a lot of dreams!:) I love blogging,graphic design,and life in general.Working hard to make my dreams come true.Join my journey!