7 current favorite free fonts

By | March 14, 2016 2 comments

Fonts sometimes are so hard to find,talking about the good ones.The ones you have to pay for are usually decent and beautiful,but sometimes we just need to hit a download and the process to be done.So we look for free ones.Long story short.we end up spending hours of looking and downloading just 2 or 3 fonts.To make it easier for you,today I'm going to share with you 7 of my favorite free fonts,with links to download and small previews :) I had so much fonts to chose from,I might aswell make a part 2 if necessary!Without a further ado,let's get into it.
Manhattan Darling is babe af.I'm in love with this professional looking font!Sometimes it is even sold.Enjoy this and also many other free fonts that website has to offer.Here's the link:
This one is perfect for the headlines and title pictures of a blog post.I have been enjoying it for the past few months!It is actually what a blogger needs in a nutshell.Here's the link:
Stubborn Faith may not be blogger-worthy,but it sure does come in handy for personal projects and cute printables.Keep it there for any case.Hope you enjoy this wonderful font.Here's the link:
I'm pretty sure you've seen or heard about this font before.It has become really popular in the world of blogging and everywhere else.It's used for quotes,titles,and more.Be sure to not miss this font because it sure comes in handy for one thing or another plus it's free.Here's the link:
Brain flower is that tumblr font that has been used over and over in quotes,but still hasn't lost its freshness yet.I still love it as much as I did when I downloaded it.Enjoy it!Here's the link:
Signature Script is also a really pretty font.I love the way it looks like it's handwritten and I sure would buy it if it costed anything!.Enjoy.Here's the link:
Learning cursive is that simple font that is all you need for that one project that you can't use heavily decored fonts.I found it and I love it still!Here's the link:
If I had a dollar for everytime I said handy in this post:
Hahahahaha,anyways that was it for today's post!Make sure to tune in because tomorrow a post about spring will be up.All the love in the world,
A My Pastel World citizen x 

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Spring must haves:blogger edition

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My blogging routine (after I hit publish)



  1. OMG THEY ALL ARE SO BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for sharing the link :D


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