1 year of My Pastel World:printables and more

By | April 08, 2016 4 comments

Hey everyone.It's been a year since this blog was created.I wanted to share with you all my journey of my blog throughout this year,and also give out inspirational freebies for everyone to enjoy :). So first of all,I'm going to put the printables (quotes):

 Here ya go! Click on the photo to zoom and save it.I love the second one which says "I am a blogger,what's your super power?" I printed that out since I love it so much.
Anyway,now I'm going to show you my blogging experiences and such.
It all started with me signing up for pinterest.After being confused after a while,thinking "yes I see the title but I want to know how to make my hair shiny.Where's the article itself?!" I figured out that pictures actually have links to the article.Then I started reading a lot of them and saw different kinds of blogs,so I really wanted to try one myself too.Then I headed to blogger,signed up and made the blog.The theme thing was SO confusing to me,I still wonder to this day how did I figure out making themes myself o.O But yeah,I had a hard time but I ended up getting a free theme (which was pretty to be honest) but I didn't know how to control HTML therefore I couldn't change my 'about' picture and the social media icons led to nowhere. (NOTE: I just turned 14 that week so it's understandable that I didn't know much about blogging).Then I took  HTML classes which I haven't finished yet oops (lazy as heck) but I learned enough to at least manage to change stuff in a HTML code. Gradually,I made my first post (which makes me cringe even though it was a year ago).Too much editing.I mean,look at that.
But we all learn from the past,no? I eventually saw that I put too much saturation and started posting simplier photos (and also without the watermark).
For my bad luck,I broke my left arm 10 days after creating the blog and posting every day.So I started losing track because I couldn't take photos or do anything with my right hand (yes,I'm a leftie).Two weeks later and still no post.I actually didn't have much readers back then,like 10-20 for every post which seemed like 100000 to me.So anyway,I came back in june I think but then didn't blog until october.Oh dear,I enjoyed summer to the fullest.I went swimming every day and went bike riding and I totally forgot about the blog.So after posting on october (here comes the worst part) I didn't blog until January 2016.But when I came back,I came fully prepared.I was more professional in everything.I changed my whole theme,I created my very own social media links and stuff.Since then,I've been blogging every third day or sometimes more because I'm busy as heck.But what matters is,I came back with new techniques to get new readers.I joined BlogLovin,I started tweeting,and everything started getting better.I started getting 100-200 reads in a blogpost which was extremely suprising for me,considering I only made 10-20 reads.People started commenting and I finally felt like I belonged to the world of blogging.For 3 months,I gained 7,000 reads and are almost 10,000 now.I regret not posting during summer because I could've made more reads and friends and so,but I learned from that period so hopefully til next year I'll gather more. :) This was my whole journey (I wonder if anyone made til the end.If you did,give me a huge smile).Since you're sticking around,here's some tips on blogging I learned:
1.Don't worry if you have no professional camera or money to spend.There's tons of free themes you can customize yourself.
2. Don't saturate your photos a lot.
3.Use Pinterest to promote your article.
4.Link your article on Reddit. (lots of reads from there)
5.Don't worry if you can't post everyday.Go on a mini hiatus from time to time (not like me,though)
6.Keep track of your success.Write daily on a notebook telling the new statistics.
7.Don't get sad if nobody reads your blogposts or if you can't figure out how to blog.It will all eventually add up.
And remember,you're loved.I love you sooooo much.
That was it for today,phew.I had a blast writing this as a #tbt emotion kept me smiling the whole time.But my fingertips are hurting,totally worth it though.See you tomorrow with a post called "Current obsessions" where I show you my music preferences and more. :)
A My Pastel World Citizen.

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9 springtime activites to do when you're bored



  1. These are really cute printables! I especially like the "I'm a blogger, what's your superpower" one! Anyway, CONGRATULATIONSSSS on one year of My Pastel World! I look forward to seeing more and more amazing and cute posts from you :D


  2. Beautiful :)
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