HUGE Back To School Essentials +Small Tips

By | August 25, 2015 Leave a Comment
So,it's been a long time guys! Sorry for letting you wait,but I was stuck without internet for a few days :) Today I'm going to show you my HUGE back to school essentials packed with small tips on each of them,starting from clothes to accessories and backpack! Let's get straight into it :D
Backpack essentials:
1.Coin Purse - you're going to need it all the time to put your money in there and keep them safe,I highly recommend having one
2.Chewing Gum - duh!
3.Extra Pens - for when your friend needs one or you lose your own/use it all
4.Underwear - make sure to stuck them in a secure place so noone can see them.When your period comes in a unexpected time,then you're gonna thank me for giving you this idea :p
5.Iphone and headphones - uhm,not much to say about these two.pretty self explanatory
6.Planner - everytime your teachers give you assignments just take it from your backpack and write it down together with the due date. ;)
7.Baby Lips/Lipbalm - for when your lips start being bitches again haha
8.Small deo - after gym,this is a must cause you'll be smelling like dead fish covered in sweat if you don't use it :p
9. Reuseable water bottle - to keep you hydrated
Tops - must haves for back to school - [aka fall]
1. A flannel - it's really fashionable and perfect for the fall weather
2.Varsity jacket - to keep you warm in those cold,rainy days
3.A sweater - duh!
4.A sleeveless denim jacket - for fashionable purposes (and it's a great layer!)
5.A long-sleeved simple shirt - to be the base of the layers you're gonna put on
6.A short-sleeved simple shirt - for the same reason ^
Small tip: play with layers and you're gonna end up with a great outfit!For example try making an outfit with the things I'm showing :p
Bottoms - must haves for back to school - [aka fall]
1.Normal skinny jeans - not ripped,not cut,not bleached.They save your life! *-*
2.Leggings - they're really comfy and match with almost everything
3.Overalls - You're gonna fall in love with them if you wear them only once
4.Ripped-on-the-knee jeans - since they're simple and fashionable
Shoes - must haves for back to school - [aka fall]
1. Some sneakers - well,we can't live without sneakers!You should own at least one pair
2.Short boots/combats - perfect for fall and winter (while it's dry)
3.Ballerinas - for the days you wanna wear a dress/skirt,but your shoes just don't match

Accessories - must haves for back to school - [aka fall]
1. Beanie and infinity scarf - to warm you up and be fashionable at the same time
2.Headband/bandanas - okay,they're just cute and you just need them!
3.Bracelets (not too much) - to spice up your outfits
4.Bow clip - to be the perfect girly girl

That was it for today loves! I'm going to keep track of posts from now on,but please make sure to comment and follow me on social media (on the right). See you tomorrow loves xoxo
All the love.

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