The ultimate guide to a positive mindset

By | May 01, 2016 1 comment

How's your day going,friends? For today,I'm going to share with you a small guidebook to having a positive mindset and sticking to it,as well.I hope you enjoy it.
Also in case you haven't noticed,a new theme is up :) It's the same but updated.Anw,without a further ado,let's get into this post.

1.Surround yourself with positivity
And by that,I mean to change your desktop wallpaper,phone lockscreen and print out positive quotes.Make sure to get rid of everything negative.I always liked (and I still like) the arial bold italic quotes like this one:
(hint hint Twenty One Pilots lyrics hehe) but I've noticed they bring negativity to my brain.So instead,I decided to delete almost all of them and fill the gap with quotes as such:
There's clearly a difference.So,here's a few lockscreens from me to you:
Note:I didn't make them,but I surely will in the future :)
There's a lot of places to find amazing positive watercolor quotes,but to make your research easier,here's the place I save most of from: Click here Make sure you surround yourself with love and harmony,too.

2.Take up positive activities
There's a lot of challenges around the internet that make you feel more positive as you complete them.Also there's activities (not necessarily challenges) that make your mind feel at ease.Here's a few of them:

-Love yourself challenge
This is the sheet with the topics you have to write about daily in your positive notebook.I've done it and honestly I'd recommend it to everyone.Save this pic on your device and check your daily challenge. Also bonus idea,I decorated the cover of the notebook by gluing a positive quote so it all made up.Why hesitate?Try it! And if you're like me and usually forget about the challenge within 3 days,make an alarm on your phone daily at a clock you know you're free ;)

-Month notes activity
This idea belongs to Marzia Bisognin,who is a wonderful youtuber and also known for being PewDiePie (aka the most subscribed person in youtube)'s girlifriend.This idea consists of writing down 3 things you want to do during the upcoming month.Each month you write 3 ideas.For example,today is the perfect day to write the things you want to do in may.So,you try to complete your positive ideas during the month. Marzia actually films herself doing all of the stuff,so here's the April Notes video (to see how it goes cause I'm bad at explaining):
(Don't be lazy to watch it,it's so perfect and positive.100% worth to watch)

-28 days of self love
This challenge is not about writing,but doing actual activites daily for a month.Give yourself some love! ^_^

3.Follow posi accounts
If you don't know what posi accounts are,they're accounts who post really positive stuff that actually make you happy.They're usually on twitter,and my favorite one is this: Click here
This is a prime example of what they tweet:

There are way better tweets,which I'm too lazy to search for them.This community is called posiposse in twitter and you can find a lot of accounts such as 'positive pizza' 'positive cake' 'positive bunny' etc.They bring you way more joy than you expect!

4.Treat yourself
The key to being positive is to love yourself and take care of your body.Make sure you do that every once in a while.Go shopping,go to the spa,go to the gym!Treating yourself also means buying yummy stuff such as chocolate,but not overdoing it. Know your worth.You are more than what people think you are.Nobody,not even me,knows what's in your mind.Remember that.I often end up cursing myself after someone yells at me. I call myself ugly,stupid,worthless.But I realized that calling yourself names won't help anything and it was absolutely unnecessary so I stopped doing that and now what I do is take a notebook and write down what I learnt from that situation and apologize to myself if cursed. :)

I'm doing a part 2 soon I think,so stick around and let me know if this helped you the slightest to become more positive.
I love you all so much.If you want to be friends with me,my email is :
Twitter: @mypastel_world  AND @narryxgrunge
Tumblr: AND
Wattpad: @thestoryofadreamer1

See you later,

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1 comment:

  1. This was a really helpful post, thanks for sharing! I think your blog is lovely too, let me know if you would like to follow each other! x
