Hi darlings! Summer is around the corner (come on! next month is june!) and I decided to start making some summer DIY-s and ideas *_* how exciting is it? For anyone who wants to send me photos of recreations,use this hashtag and I'll favorite/like/reblog/repost your photo :) It makes me happy when you find inspiration in me,so please if you make anything don't hesitate to send!This works for Twitter,instagram,facebook and tumblr! Anyways,for today I decided to make this Mason Jar Drink,which is perfect for summer :) Hope you enjoy it :D Let's get into it!
1.Get a Mason Jar or whatever jar is lying around your house,and decorate it(optional)! I think decorating makes the jar even cuter and more personalized so.. :) I decorated mine with some washi tape and a fake diamond that sticks - if that even makes sense :p.But you could also leave it plain,if you're too lazy or you just like simplier things.
2.Take the lid of the jar off and mark where you want the hole to be..Make sure that the straw can fit into the hole bc some sorts of straws are thicker but mine are classic so..:)
3.Find a sharp thing to take off the part that you marked,like a knife or some really sharp scissors.I myself used a machine my dad has (I forgot its name but YOLO)...And then carefully take off that part.
4.Decorate the lid (also optional)! I went for the same washi tape,and since the tape went through the hole,I poked it a bit so I can put my straw (you can see it in the photo).Go crazy with decorating and the perfect jar will be held in your hands! :D
5.Test if the straw fits and if it does,congrats bruh! If it doesn't then you have to enlarge your hole! PS did anyone wonder what is the monkey emoji doing here? haha
6.VOILA!So easy and cute! This drinking jar can be used a lot during summer (but also for other seasons too)...Can't wait for summer! I'm going to share smoothie recipes and DIY Tent and I'm so frickin frackin excited.Also then I can be a full-time blogger bc no school :) I'll be blogging non-stop *_*
Anyways,see you in my next post and don't forget to send me pics.
Lots of love.
About me

I'm a 16 year-old girl with a lot of dreams!:) I love blogging,graphic design,and life in general.Working hard to make my dreams come true.Join my journey!
wow such a lovely diy and amazing idea :)
This post is so cringey but thanks <3